From: CTMI – A Cult or Just Radical Christianity?
- Many ex members have testified to how the initial “love bombing” quickly changed to harsh isolation, rebuke and rejection as soon as they asked awkward questions or disagreed with leaders. Such were labled “unwell” and NOT “sons and daughters in the house”. Others were openly encouraged to avoid distance themselves from these “unwell” members who had “twisted hearts”
- We have testimonies reporting that children of members who misbehave were removed from the parent’s home and sent for “formation” in other homes.
- A testimony reported that in a casual discussion in a home after a service, Miki Hardy’s sermon was questioned. Audrey Hardy stood up, went right up to the person and rather aggressively asserted “Here you only do one thing - be quiet and listen to the man of God!”
- We have recorded evidence of Miki Hardy’s treatment of the young believer who disagreed with him in a meeting. The French speaking Christians who translated for us were aghast at the harsh, bullying tactics and threats of judgement and angry retribution – simply because the young man dared to question his doctrine and behavior.