From: CTMI – A Cult or Just Radical Christianity?
- One of our family members sent an sms saying “Our gospel is not the comfort based one you have been hearing. You have been reading the bible for so long and have missed the pearl of great price. We are teaching a gospel that is separating us from Christians all over the world”
- We discovered what was behind this when local pastors reported being told by Basil O Connel - Jones – leader of Grace Gospel Church in Durban, “you are afraid of losing people because we have what you do not have – Apostolic anointing and revelation”
- We then listened to sermons and conference talks which spoke of Miki Hardy receiving “a revelation of this gospel” which cannot be taught! It must be caught! “It must fall into your heart”.
- Ex members report being admonished for reading “rubbish” (other Christian authors) and that they should rather read the books written by their pastor. A ceremony where other Christian books were handed in was reported.
- When we asked our family members whether they really believe they are the only believers on earth with this truth, the often repeated answer has been “there may be others but we have not met them yet”
- Almost every conference talk and sermon online criticizes “the church today” for being full of immorality and false doctrine. Members hearing this so often cannot help feeling smugly unique and superior.
- Miki Hardy’s public statement said it all!
The judgements of God upon the nations will increase in power and number. His judgement is also coming upon His church and will affect the pastors of many churches. The Lord has revealed the powerful gospel of the cross to us. He is now calling us to be a voice, firstly to warn pastors about the dangers of persisting in many deceiving doctrines and practices, and secondly to make known the fact that the preaching of the cross is the ONLY power to save the church from a great falling away. Only God knows who will accept and who will reject this warning. The Holy Spirit will draw many Christians to the true gospel, and He will bring them to green pastures and deliver them from their bondages. Many who have backslidden will also join the church and it will be a time of restoration for those who have been far from the Lord. We will have to be ready to meet the needs of this incoming crowd. (Miki Hardy – CTMI website – 14 April 2010.)