From: CTMI – A Cult or Just Radical Christianity?
- CPG family members would report that they needed to consult leaders for their blessing on simple decisions like going on holiday with family or attending a family birthday instead of a CTMI meeting.
- Members use the same language and terms all over the world – all parroting Miki and Audrey Hardy.
- Testimonies of ex-members are consistent in reporting receiving instructions about who marries who; who ends marriages with who; what to do with inheritance money; moving to different cities; when to go to the Island; when to leave the Island; how to report false addresses to authorities; asking members to ask parents for money to register businesses in Mauritius; issuing restraining orders against parents; whether or not to go on holiday with whom; types of clothes to wear or not wear; whether or not to celebrate Christmas with family; where and when to study and not study; how to respond to letters from parents; what to say on radio interviews (obvious to the extent that the interviewer said “do you want to hand the phone to the other lady seeing she is speaking for you”); instructions to offer restored relationships and /or return home if certain conditions are met – like withdrawing from CPG, providing transport for meetings or signing a document.