Missionaries from Australia wrote on their blog about challenges they faced from CTMI in Mauritius.
Dear partners in ministry,
The year’s end is here, and “only what’s done for Christ will last”
This letter only has one prayer request; a fuller report will come in the New Year.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
We have been greatly encouraged by the caroling ministries we held in the village of Rosebelle.
Many were ministered to with the Gospel preached in the shopping centre, and then, to our surprise, we were broadcasted through the whole island, on its only television station, singing Silent night.
In the midst of dark religious oppression, God has his way!
Fresh insight:
Attached below is a site exposing a large christian Cult here in Mauritius called “Eglise Chretienne” headed by their apostle Miki Hardy.
CTMI Exposed: Miki Hardy’s Manipulations!
We frequently come across people who are either in there or casualties of this manipulative mega church.
Children from Christian homes outside Mauritius are being deceived to leave their families, lie to immigration, marry strangers, and come and serve this mega church, it’s frightening to parents.
On the surface it sounds so good, until you see the false doctrine of this angel of light.
Their devilish message is deny yourself, take up your cross, sell up, and experience the joy of giving.
This false prophet/apostle has deceived many in various ways, causing many skeptical Mauritians to be even more skeptic when approached with the gospel.
Nevertheless, we’ll keep plowing ahead.
1 Thessalonians 5:25 ” Brethren, Pray for us”
Brother Francois and Family