From: CTMI – A Cult or Just Radical Christianity?
- We have quoted Basil O Connol Jones above on persecution where he makes it clear that those who leave are running from defending the true gospel. In other words, they are lost and joining the “twisted” persecutors.
- All people who left report that were warned of falling away and judgement because they were going out from under the protection of “this gospel”. The “responsibles” who remain are always warned to stay away from those who leave. “Keep away from those with twisted hearts because your heart will also be twisted.”
- Here are quotes of accusations we have received from CTMI leaders – either publicly on blogs or by email
Add to this mixture, the bringing together of a motley crew of dissatisfied, disappointed, and/or genuinely hurt former church members to air, to vent, and to repeat their complaints. Soon, what is left is a deadly and poisonous cocktail of gossip, tittle-tattle, exaggeration, fabrication, insinuation, and innuendo, which can develop into nothing else except slander and calumny.
“Diabolical enemies of the cross” with “twisted hearts and blinded by a veil"
"hardness of hearts", "strayed far from the heart of God" and "Pride and self-righteousness, bluster and indignation, anger and arrogance, hypocrisy - scoundrels’"
“A group bent on evil using the tactics of the Nazi propagandist, Josef Goebbels”
“Your conscience is seared, and you are truly carnal with no spiritual maturity whatsoever. are so full of law and so busy trying to stifle true freedom in grace, that you are in fact driving your own wedge between you and your children. How can you expect your children to honour and obey your legalistic and damaging expectations that are not even Godly”
When I go and read the site of the concerned parents… I cannot believe the lies and deception that are there… How can people be so gullible as to believe such “junk”!!! (Audrey Hardy Blog)